Thursday, November 17, 2016

What if...

For some reason I decided to revisit this little blog and it started my mind wandering to what if...

What if I had taken this thing seriously and tried to make a career of it...

What if I had put some effort into trying to become a successful blogger...

What if blogging led to being able to stay at home and still provide support for my family...

What if...

I'm probably letting my mind wander this way because I have been off of work for 3 weeks due to gallbladder surgery and I'll be going back in 3 days...oh how I am NOT looking forward to that!

I want to stay at home....I don't want a career outside of my home!  But, I need to work to help support our future and retirement. to work I go.  Hopefully, I visit this place more frequently in the weeks, months and years to come and blog my thoughts. And who knows...maybe something good will come of this.

1 comment:

  1. LOTS of good will come to the readers of the thoughts you share from your wonderful heart! Please continue to post! I love you. :)
